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Developed by Students for Students 🤗

You shall never get any advice from a person who haven't been through what you've been through. We students know better what a student goes through when he is running in the rat race without any goal or motivation.

“I was able to crack MAH MCA CET, I got 2nd in University SEM exams. All thanks to Mentorius”

Nishant Jadhav

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I try Updrafts before paying?
Sure! You can test out Updrafts on our free plan where you can experiment with 2 projects. Your projects will have a two-page limit.
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
Yes, you can cancel your account at any time. If you do, you'll be downgraded to the free plan, where you can manage two projects. You won't be locked out of any projects that have been created during your subscription.
Is there a refundable trial period?
No, all sales are final. Try the free plan if you're not sure if it's worth paying for, or a monthly subscription to try the pro features for a small compensation.
Is Updrafts production ready?
Yes. The product is stable and works as advertised. But there are still some rough edges on the UX and not all Tailwind options are configurable trough property buttons, just yet.
Where can I find the documentation?
Documentation isn't written yet. Our focus lies on making Updrafts feature complete. Once that's done, we'll work on proper docs.
What version of tailwindcss is used?
Updrafts is tailwindcss v2 compatible. We've extended the default theme with all available tailwindcss colors.

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